FAM Foundations Course

A  virtual, group class for learning the basics of the Fertility Awareness Method. 

This course is designed to support folks who menstruate with the skills and embodiment needed to implement the Symptothermal Method for conception, contraception, cycle balance and empowered wellness.

The Course Includes:

5 classes:

  • Virtual, group lessons; 1.5 hours each

  • Lessons include: 

      • Reproductive Anatomy + Physiology: The Menstrual Cycle, The Hormone Cycle

      • The Symptothermal Method, Observing and Charting Your 3 Main Fertile Signs: Cervical Fluid, Basal Body Temperature, and Cervical Positioning

      • Utilizing FAM for Trying to Achieve or Trying to Avoid Pregnancy; Cycle chart Interpretation

      • Supporting your Natural Rhythm: Tools for Lifestyle, Ritual, Nourishment + Nature 

Charting Set Up + Educational Resources: 

  • 3 Months Free + Onboarding for Read Your Body App 

  • Downloadable Paper Charts 

  • Downloadable PDF Resources including Charting Basics, Healthy Menstrual Cycle Parameters,  Support Optimal Egg/Sperm Quality, Improving PMS, Nutrition + Supplements for Hormone Health, Lab Reference Ranges for Optimal Cycle Health, and more!

High Touch Support: 

  • Email + Messaging support through Practice Better client portal for charting questions, guidance, and general support to get you charting

  • Practice Better client portal access to Nutrition Journal, PDF resources, etc.

1 Private Session:

  • A 1:1 session for charting support + catering FAM to your goals

For beginners or DIY chart learners who want a deeper dive & support in their charting.

Learn cycle awareness for:

  • Cycle Balance

    Understand, support + balance your menstrual cycle and hormones for body literacy and full body wellness.

  • Fertility + Pregnancy Planning

    Understand your fertile signs, nourish your fertility, plan for pregnancy.

  • Preventing Pregnancy Naturally

    Learn to chart as effective, embodied, hormone-free contraceptive.