1:1 Cycle Awareness Mentorship
A deep dive into tracking + charting your menstrual cycle using the Symptothermal Method of Fertility Awareness as a tool for wellness.
A one on one, virtual learning opportunity, catered to your individual goals.
Learn cycle awareness for:
Cycle Balance
Understand, support + balance your menstrual cycle and hormones for body literacy and full body wellness.
Fertility + Pregnancy Planning
Understand your fertile signs, nourish your fertility, plan for pregnancy.
Preventing Pregnancy Naturally
Learn to chart as effective, embodied, hormone-free contraceptive.
The Mentorship Includes:
6 sessions:
1 Intro Session, 1 Charting Foundations Learning Session, 4 Chart Review/Individualized strategy Session (~4 months)
Learning to chart using the Symptothermal method of Fertility Awareness
Learn how to observe, interpret + chart your body’s daily fertile signs (basal body temperature, cervical fluid, cervical position)
Learn how to avoid pregnancy (as effective contraception), to optimize fertility when trying to conceive, and to assess + improve menstrual cycle imbalances.
Chart interpretation + analysis
Strategies + support for honoring your rhythm and implementing shifts to move you toward your individualized goals
Nutrition, Herbal & Supplement Support, Sleep, Exercise, Stress Management, Self Care practices, & More
Charting Set Up + Educational Resources:
User Guide for Fertility Awareness + Body Literacy (Justisse User Guide)
3 Months Free + Onboarding for Read Your Body App
Downloadable Paper Charts
Downloadable PDF Resources including Charting Basics, Healthy Menstrual Cycle Parameters, Support Optimal Egg/Sperm Quality, Improving PMS, Nutrition + Supplements for Hormone Health, Lab Reference Ranges for Optimal Cycle Health, and more!
High Touch Support:
Support via email + Practice Better portal in between sessions to have your questions answered, support your charting, and celebrate your progress
Practice Better client portal access to Nutrition Journal, PDF resources, Easy scheduling/re-scheduling, etc.
With a sliding scale pay model I hope to reduce financial barriers to this support and allow for access across a spectrum of income levels, financial situations and social realities.
I believe this model is one way to imagine a more equitable world, especially as it relates to access to health and wellness care.
This model works when we choose a price that genuinely reflects our ability to pay for the services being provided, based on our individual income and financial realities.
If you are new to sliding scale structure, this article is helpful in describing the philosophy and helping decide where you might land.
The full cost is generally due at start of our first session. However, I am open to payment plans as needed!
This offering could be for you if you are seeking…
a holistic approach to your reproductive + sexual health beyond the “quick fix”
to feel connected to and empowered by your fertility + sexuality
to understand your period pain or menstrual cycle imbalances
to discover how the menstrual cycle acts as a window into your overall health
to bring your cycle into healthy balance
to come off of hormonal birth controls
to avoid pregnancy, without the pill or hormones
to optimize your fertility / plan for pregnancy
support and clarity in your fertility struggles
support for alternative fertility journeys
a method of birth control that allows for deeper connection + cooperation with your partner
to make informed choices in your reproductive health care
to embody reproductive justice
Want to understand more about Cycle Charting and the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)?
Client Testimonial